Where Have I Been?

7:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I'm so sorry. I've been so busy this month I haven't been able to blog. I know that's no excuse, but it's the truth. With school and tests and finals and sports, I haven't had much time to do anything else. I'm so sorry. I know I promised to do the April Photo a Day challenge and a Post a Day challenge, but I couldn't keep up. I probably still will be a little MIA for the next few weeks, but after that school will be pretty light and I won't have much to do.

Until then, I am working on a few posts to publish and have come up with a posting schedule. I will be posting twice a week, on Wednesday and Sunday. I feel like this will give me enough time to create a good quality post. I will also be trying to post a video at least once a month. If you want to keep up with me in between all these posts, check out my Pinterest, which I have been on a lot recently.

Besides that, I hope everyone is enjoying my blogs, and I'll be posting tomorrow, so watch out!

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