DIY Planner

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As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been extremely busy. With everything going on,
I need a good way to organize and manage my time. I've found the best way to do this, is by making my own planner. I find that if I buy a planner, I don't use it very much, and if I do, it's just for school work. However, this planner that I made is customized for everything I need and it works perfectly, because I can adjust it to my needs.
In order to make your own, you will need:

  • A notebook. I'm using a wide rule composition book. They're about a dollar and they last a while.
  • Pens. You're going to need something to write with. I like using colored pens to outline the template for the page and then a blue or black pen to fill in the information.
  • Any papers or lists you feel would be important to add to your planner. I added a grocery list pad on the front cover, as well as my New Year's Resolutions. 
For your planner, you want to consider two things. What do you look for in a planner, and what do you need. For me, I wanted a page to keep track of all the books I want to read or the books I find; a page to track my DIY and Blog Post ideas; one page to help my plan outfits, so I can do more OOTD/OOTW; a health/ fitness log to track my workouts/ healthy eating; then I just left a page for everything else. Watch the video above to see my planner. Now you get to decide what you want in your planner.
I hope you guys enjoyed this DIY!

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