DIY Restaurant Passport

8:14 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Tired of visiting the same old restaurants? Tired if the "I don't know where to eat"? This is the perfect solution. My family and I were faced with the same problem. Thanks to Pinterest, I have created a solution. A DIY restaurant passport. I made a few adjustments to the one I saw on Pinterest. I feel like mine will be more suited to my family. The original was in a notebook, and mine is on notecards. Mine is more convenient to carry around or hang it in the car, however if you feel like a notebook would work best for you, go for it. 

Above are the supplies. The first thing you want to do is hole punch the notecards. I used a singular hole punch to make one hole in the top left corner. Next you string your thread or string though the hole and tie it in a knot. This is optional but I made a loop on mine so I can hang it up. Finally you want to add your restaurants along with their addresses so you know where to find them. I divided mine up by nearby cities but feel free to do it however you like. If you are looking for restaurants to try I would recommend yelp. And if you download their app you can bookmark the restaurants on your phone so you can find the one closest to you, their location, and any other information. 

I hope everyone enjoyed this DIY. If you have any ideas for me, leave them I comments below. Thanks!

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