#pinterestsunday DVD and CD Holder

11:45 AM Unknown 0 Comments

So as I have said countless times, I have been on vacation, and I just got back. It was a long trip and I spent hours watching some pretty awesome movies. But I hated the fact that I had to take a bunch of big and bulky DVD cases. I'm a movie and music junky so I have a ton of CD and DVD cases. It can take up a lot of space, so I have decided to make a holder to store all the discs. This is great for DVDs, CDs, Blu-Ray, and any other discs you may have. A lot of the inspiration came from this pin, but I adjusted it for DVDs. What you will need is:

  • Cardstock or some other thick paper, 11" x 8 1/2"
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • DVDs
  • A Box, 6" x 6" x 6"
  • A Pencil
  • Ruler
To start off, measure out how you need to cut the cardstock. Lay your disc flat on the cardstock in one corner. You want to leave about a quarter of an inch on all sides. Use a pencil and a ruler to mark a square around your disc. This is going to be the back of your DVD sleeve. Fold the paper on both lines. For a better explanation look at the picture above. 
It should look like you have two big squares, and two smaller rectangles. Cut the middle of the paper so both halves have a square and a rectangle. One halve is going to be bigger than the one you measured. Line up both halves, the smaller one on top of the other. Cut the bigger halve so it is the same size as the smaller one. 
Now taking one of the halves, fold along the crease and tape the two sides. Write the movie title on the front and you are good to go. That is how you make a DVD sleeve. To hold the DVDs, put them in the box. And that is how you make a DVD holder.
I hope you enjoyed this DIY tutorial. If you have any suggestions for the next #pinterestsunday, leave a comment below or use the comment form on the left side of this blog.

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