New Apps: 7/20/13

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  • Triposo; This app is a travel guide kind of app. You have the ability to download different guides based on states or cities. Like I downloaded one for Utah and another for Denver. I think this app is really great if you plan on traveling. It seems like they have guides for every where. It shows you great places to eat and things to do and a whole bunch of stuff that's great to know when you're traveling.
  • Candy Crush; I know I mentioned this a while ago, but I deleted it. Until I started playing my dad's game. I kind of got addicted. I was playing this game so much during my road trip. I probably should stop. I'm on level 76 and it's only been like 2 weeks. I will admit I have a problem.
  • Day One; I have wanted this app forever. I just wasn't up for buying it. But then the app store put it up for free in celebration of their 5th anniversary, and I was all over it. This is a journal app. You write up your little post, add tags, and the part I like is that it tracks where you write at and the weather there. 
  • Matchbook; We all love food. Especially me. I'm also open to trying new restaurants. This app helps me remember all these different place I want to try. You are able to use your location to find restaurants, which is great because you can find place you didn't even know about.

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