Music Playlist: 6/19/13

9:50 AM Unknown 2 Comments

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This week my music is inspired by ABC Family TV shows. I love pretty much all of their shows. They are amazing. I watched Pretty Little Liars and Twisted last night and can I just say WOW. Who ever comes up with these kinds of things is 1) brilliant and completely amazing and 2) a little crazy in the head, but that's a compliment. All of this music has been featured in the TV shows. So anyway, the songs I chose for this week are:

  • Secret; The Pierces
  • Gun for a Tongue; Butterfly Boucher
  • Make a New Dance Up; Hey Ocean
  • The Great Escape; Pink
  • Unwanted; The Strange Familiar
  • If I Lose Myself; One Republic

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  1. Always liked Pretty Little Liars - not watched it in ages now!


  2. It's such a good show. You should start watching it again. But be warned, it's super addicting!
