Music Playlist: 6/19/13
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- Secret; The Pierces
- Gun for a Tongue; Butterfly Boucher
- Make a New Dance Up; Hey Ocean
- The Great Escape; Pink
- Unwanted; The Strange Familiar
- If I Lose Myself; One Republic
9:50 AM Unknown 2 Comments
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Hello everyone! I'm Ashley and I've been alive for 19 years. I'm California born and raised and currently attending UCLA. I am the one running this blog. If you want to know anything else about me, check out my Tumblr. It is basically a way into my mind. Or ask me what you want to know, either in the comments or social media.
As for this blog, it is mainly about beauty, fashion, and life things I have learned in my many years of living. I am trying my best to update this blog while trying to juggle college, so I'm sorry there is no set schedule for the most part. I'm trying to post whenever I can! I hope you enjoy the blog!
Always liked Pretty Little Liars - not watched it in ages now!
It's such a good show. You should start watching it again. But be warned, it's super addicting!